7 Key Signs That You May Be Addicted to Online Porn
Watching porn online can become an issue, and its dependency can be just as destructive to your life as an alcohol or drug addiction. It can impact you psychologically, physically and socially. But how do you know if you’re addicted? Simply put, porn is only a problem if it's a problem for you, but there are lots of signs to watch out for. Here are 7 key signs that you may be addicted to online porn.
- You watch porn when you are angry or stressed
If you’ve had a bad day, are angry with a certain situation, or angry at someone do you watch porn to de-stress or diffuse the situation? You may turn to porn after you’ve argued with your partner to make yourself feel better and forget about the situation…
Tip: take a breath, step back and see if you can link your emotions to your behaviour
- You use porn as a reward
If you see porn as a reward, you may be watching it for the wrong reasons. If you’ve had a bad or stressful day at work and are looking forward to getting home and watching porn. This could lead to a downward spiral.
Tip: look for other more constructive ways to reward yourself.
- You watch porn when you are bored
When you have a spare few moments or are feeling ‘bored’ is the first thing you turn to watching porn? You may be feeling unhappy and bored at home, at work or when you’re studying and you’re using porn to fill a void or to procrastinate.
Tip: Being aware of your personal triggers is the first step to making changes
- You turn to porn when you are lonely
We all get lonely at times, some more than others and if you’re struggling to form social relationships you may be watching porn to try and make yourself feel less lonely and make your life more fulfilled. Of course, porn does not reject us or challenge us, but it could be damaging us in other ways.
Tip: look at ways to connect with others
- Your use of porn spiraling in time and content
Do you find you are watching porn more and more, and the longer you watch it the more you want to watch it? Does the type of content you watch spiral the longer you are online?
Tip: Try stepping away from porn and see how it is to manage without it in your life. If this isn’t possible seek help and support
- You feel compelled to turn to porn
Are you truly in control of how much porn you are watching? Do you feel compelled to turn to porn to manage your emotions or has it become a daily routine? Do you plan when you can next access porn and are thoughts of what you are watching coming to mind at other times?
Tip: Explore therapy or support from a 12 step group
- You regret watching porn and you feel it’s a problem
If you regret turning to porn on a daily basis, or in a certain situation, you may have an unhealthy relationship with it. Only you will truly know if porn is a problem for you. So often people are upset about the time they waste when they could be focussing on other things.
Tip: Be honest about the impact on your life
If you need any support with this, or know someone that does, please don't hesitate to get in touch here.